Page 96 - Antologia Jóvenes Creadores Primer Periodo 2014-2015
P. 96

ensayo creativo


Para evitar que se repitiera el incidente del registro fotográfico de
una ejecución, a partir de la muerte de Ruth Snyder, durante déca-
das se solicitó a los asistentes a las ejecuciones en Estados Unidos
que levantaran las manos al momento de la electrocución. Dece-
nas de personas con los brazos alzados ante la muerte legal de otro
ser humano.


Se dice que tras haber sido electrocutado, el cuerpo de una persona
está demasiado caliente como para poderlo tocar.


La cámara que utilizó Howard para retratar la electrocución de
Ruth Snyder está hoy en el National Museum of American History
de la Smithsonian Institution. El New York Daily News la donó
en 1963.


Daily News New York’s Picture Newspaper New York, Friday, Jan­
uary 13, 1928 Average net paid circulation of THE NEWS, Dec.
1927: Sunday, 1,347,556 Daily, 1,193,297 Vol. 9. No. 173 66 pages
Extra Edition 2 cents in city limits DEAD! RUTH SNYDER’S
DEATH PICTURED! This is perhaps the most remarkable exclu-
sive picture in the history of criminology. It shows the actual scene
in the Sing Sing death house as the lethal current surged through
Ruth Snyder’s body at 11:06 last night. Her helmeted head is stiff-
ened in death, her face masked and an electrode strapped to her
bare right leg. The autopsy table on which her body was removed
is beside her. Judd Gray, mumbling a prayer, followed her down
the narrow corridor at 11:14. “Father, forgive them, for they don’t
know what they are doing!” were Ruth’s last words. The picture is

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